Maximizing Productivity: Expediting Metadata Creation and Cleanup for Electronic Theses and Dissertations at Oklahoma State University

Automated tasks and batch processes are integral components of successful, efficient metadata workflows. Creating and cleaning metadata for user-submitted content, like electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), can prove time-consuming and overwhelming small metadata teams. At Oklahoma State University (OSU), Digital Resources and Discovery Services has expedited the metadata creation and cleanup process for ETDs by incorporating tools and software that automate batch processing into their workflow. ProQuest’s UMI Dissertation Publishing helps stipulate required metadata fields upon content submission, producing consistently-tagged metadata as XML files. Two XSLT transformations are run to sort out restricted submissions, extract select metadata from individual files, and merge this metadata into a single XML file. This batch file is then uploaded to OpenRefine for mass editing and final formatting, before export as a .csv file. Manual effort of the metadata team is whittled down to verifying accuracy and completeness of metadata before upload to the institutional repository. This presentation will illustrate the success and efficiency this combination of tools and software has brought the OSU metadata team by producing good quality metadata in minimal time.

Presenter(s): Madison Chartier

3:20 PM